A lot of
business owners are of the mistaken notion that direct mail advertising is
already an outdated technique for spreading word about your brand. After all,
why go slow with snail mail when you can just go digital and online?
The answer to
that is that there are certain limitations to digital marketing that only
on-the-ground techniques can adequately respond to. First of all, your goal is
to establish brand recall among your target audience. An email advertisement is
more likely to be ignored, and may not even reach the inbox at all, and instead
go straight to spam.
One of the
bigger advantages of direct mail advertising, therefore, is that there is a
tangible product being delivered door to door. The more useful the item is,
too, the more acceptable it becomes.
Here are some
tips to help you successfully pull of direct mail advertising so that your mail
does not go ignored in the mailbox.
Send Practical Items
Don’t just
send stickers of your brand name or bundles of brochures and leaflets. Instead,
mail your target audience useful promotional products that they can have use for in their
day-to-day. A pen, notepads, cooler sleeves, bookmarks, and more, for example,
are items that they can easily carry with them, too.
Just don’t
forget to stamp it with your brand’s logo so that you can instill that brand
recall. Because these are items that can be shared with others, too, you are
also expanding your brand awareness in the process.
Be Careful with the Package
Mind the
packaging of your mail. Make sure that there’s nothing in the contents that can
damage the wrapping throughout transport. If it comes in a sorry state and the
mailman leaves it in the mailbox, it’s more likely going to be perceived as
trash, and then your message will not be sent.
Give Fair Warning
Most folks are
wary about getting surprise packages, so just make sure that you immediately
inform them that there are promotional products inside. You can stamp or attach
a note on the outside of the envelope to that effect.
What are the
Benefits of Direct Email Advertising? Chron.
4 Reasons to
Use Direct Mail Marketing Instead of Email Marketing. Entrepreneur.