Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Promotional Products: 3 Tips to Help Improve Your Branding Efforts

According to research compiled by Promotional Products Association International, 85 percent of consumers do business with the brand after receiving a promotional product. Furthermore, 83 percent of consumers actually enjoy receiving promotional items with an advertising message.

Keep in mind, however, that simply giving away promotional items doesn’t guarantee success for your business. When deciding which items you should use for your next batch of promotional products from trusted suppliers like Promosaurus LLC, consider these three tips:


Usefulness to the Customer

First and foremost, the promotional products you give away must be useful to the person receiving it. After all, whatever you give consumers will take up space in their home or office, so you need to make sure that the item you provide offers some form of value. Otherwise, the item is simply thrown away. As you can probably imagine, a promotional product that’s been tossed away can’t increase brand exposure and recognition.

Relevancy to Your Brand

Second, is to choose items that are relevant to your brand. The best promotional products are items that remind your customers about you, even if they don’t see your logo on the item. For example, supermarkets may want to give away eco-bags to their customers. This way, returning customers can opt to use the eco-bag for their groceries, rather than paper or plastic shopping bags.

Exposure of the Promotional Item

Lastly, don’t forget that every time someone takes your promotional product with them, they become an ambassador for your brand. Take advantage of this by offering items that people are likely to bring with them wherever they go. Pens are usually a good idea as they are often passed around during meetings and the like. Each person who uses that pen is ultimately exposed to your brand. Other great items include beach towels, water bottles, and umbrellas.


Promotional Products: Making Them Effective Branding Tools For Your Business,

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