Many marketers assume that direct mail has gone the way of the dodo in terms of marketing tactics. While digital marketing has been proven effective, that doesn’t mean traditional marketing methods are dead. The truth in fact, is quite the opposite. Study after study reveals, direct mail remains popular with every age group.
If your declining mail results are leading you to believe that direct mail is no longer the way to go, perhaps mixing things up a bit can give your direct mail marketing the boost it needs.
If your declining mail results are leading you to believe that direct mail is no longer the way to go, perhaps mixing things up a bit can give your direct mail marketing the boost it needs.
The biggest challenge for direct mail marketers is to get your recipients to open and read your emails. The trick is to use the right messaging BEFORE your prospects open your mail, and people will be curious if not eager to open and read what you have in store. So how do you create the right message outside of the mail? With promotional products, that’s how.
People love receiving gifts and freebies from brands, and so these old-but-gold traditional marketing tools remain an effective way to reach your customers with your marketing message. Consider these tips when including promotional products in your direct mail paraphernalia.
● Imprint your logo and contact information on your promotional items
● Take advantage of the season and give out products appropriate to a particular time of the year.
● Let your recipients know that they can expect a gift inside through effective messages.
People love receiving gifts and freebies from brands, and so these old-but-gold traditional marketing tools remain an effective way to reach your customers with your marketing message. Consider these tips when including promotional products in your direct mail paraphernalia.
● Imprint your logo and contact information on your promotional items
● Take advantage of the season and give out products appropriate to a particular time of the year.
● Let your recipients know that they can expect a gift inside through effective messages.
As for which promotional products to use, you can send them a sample of your product, or purchase promotional items from a third-party supplier. With most people having more than one calendars in their home or office, giving them a calendar can effectively reinforce your brand message. Everyday objects such as magnet cards and bookmarks are other popular options.
Think Direct Mail Marketing Is Dead? Not For Millennials,
9 Promotional Items to Consider Using in Your Next Direct Mail Campaign,
Think Direct Mail Marketing Is Dead? Not For Millennials,
9 Promotional Items to Consider Using in Your Next Direct Mail Campaign,
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